Quality Online Teaching and Learning (QOLT) rubric is a research-based framework designed to guide the development of student-centered online and blended instruction adopted across the CSU system. There are nine sections of the QOLT rubric that identify aspects of course quality and effectiveness, recognizing exemplary teaching and learning practices in blended and online courses. Below are examples of evidence of sections 1, 2, and 4 of the QOLT rubric from courses taught.



Section 1: Course Overview and Introduction

Here is a list of online resources showcased in the video above on Section 1 of QOLT:

NRS 222 Syllabus, Community Ground Rules, Course Content Outline, Student Blogs

Section 2: Assessment and Evaluation of Student Learning

Here is a list of online resources showcased in the video above on Section 2 of QOLT:

Nursing 401 course site, VoiceThread Discussion Rubric, Simulation Rubric, Student Blogs

Section 4: Student Interaction and Community

Many of the materials for this course are developed within the “Wall” of CI Learn, however below are a few resources that might be useful:

NRS/PSY/SOC 348 Syllabus, Student Survey to support student success, Slides for Student Introductions using VoiceThread
