Becoming Alfred … to Learn Empathy

CI Nursing senior students engaged in first virtual reality experience these past two weeks, as they became Alfred James, a 74-year old male with macular degeneration and hearing loss. By putting on the VR headset, student embodied Alfred, encountering what it truly means to have hearing loss and visual impairment when engaging with family members […]

Growing open at CI

Growth, renewal, and positivity have been themes as we begin a new academic year at CI. Just last week I attended sixth grade orientation, where the team of teachers were stressing the importance of helping students to steer away from the fixed mindset of being a “math person” or a “non-math person”. In the fourth […]

What is Open? Affordability, OER, and Open Pedagogy

  Aligning with openCI efforts, we recently attended the openEd conference in Richmond, Virginia to gain a deeper understanding about the advances and innovative practices being made around Open Educational Resources. According to UNESCO, “Open Educational Resources are educational materials in the public domain or introduced with a public license” (UNESCO, 2012). To help clarify […]

Simplify and Change

Nursing education and teaching nursing is so complicated. This week I attended the ATI Nurse Educator Summit to present my poster on the use of technology in the classroom titled “Students’ Voices: Integrating Technology for High Impact Learning“. There were so many wonderful presenters, concepts, projects, and motivational topics. That is why many of use […]
