Recently, I was lucky enough to be involved in a workshop offered by the Teaching and Learning Innovations at CSU Channel Islands focused on the development of CI Keys. What is CI Keys? CI Keys is a project that opens up the discussion about the use of technology, open course technology, and digital identity in teaching and learning. I have been an early adopter of CI Keys using CI Keys for entire courses in my teaching. I think it opens the door to the possibilities of what you can do with technology, course design, and to engage learners. What keeps students engaged? What appeals to multiple types of learners? How to do meet diverse student needs? What’s an innovative space for learning face-to-face and what’s an innovative online space?
No one should teach who is not in love with teaching.
Margaret E. Sangster
In this workshop, an amazing group of faculty got together to learn, and discuss some questions and concerns about teaching and learning using technology. Each faculty member found they have unique perspectives and needs to meet the goals for their student’s learning. Technology then offers those open, innovative, adjustable options to design to your “heart’s desire”. The learning curve can be steep, the options can leave you with lost hours attempting to make it perfect, but ultimately you find you are even more creative, and excited for your students than before … so you can’t go back.
As part of this two-day journey we were asked to start by developing our own e-portfolio, page, or digital identity, if we wanted. The goal was to get some kind of subdomain set up in a WordPress site. I had intended on setting up my own digital identity months ago, but course design, grading, and life got in the way. However, I recommend everyone take a moment to create this digital identity, or at least some form of holding the mirror up, so to speak, to take a look at what you have accomplished. Many times we work through our day to day activities, acknowledging progress, but not taking a moment to stand in front of the “mirror” to gain full perspective of what you have done.
If you haven’t done it, do it. If you have, make sure you repeatedly look again at least once or twice a year. It is reflective and provides a moment to credit all of your work.
Be sure to give credit where credit is deserved.